8 Proven Traffic Generation Tactics for Your Business Website

A well-designed website is the cornerstone of any business. Without a smart traffic generation strategy though, you run the risk of missing out on valuable visitors and qualified leads.

You’ve heard the phrase, “if you build it, they will come,” right? But when it comes to generating traffic to your business website, the phrase needs a bit of an update! For companies wishing to attract clients the phrase should actually be something like the following:

If you build it well, with clear CTAs…
And then you strategically drive traffic with trusted tactics…
Your target audience will definitely show up (and then you need to nurture them)!

Traffic generation takes work, sure. But it’s not impossible. What you need, above all, is a deep understanding of your audience and some clever strategies to help you attract them. 

Keep reading to get more details on how to use proven traffic generation tactics for your business website.

Table of Contents

  1. Analyze Current Traffic Sources
  2. Step-Up Your On-Page SEO
  3. Lean Into Local Search for Traffic Generation
  4. Create Targeted Content for More Visitors
  5. Strengthen Social Media
  6. Invest in a Paid Search Campaign

Analyze Current Traffic Sources

Before you can begin to implement any traffic generation tactics, it’s important to analyze the traffic you already have. Unless your website is brand new, you should have some visitor data to pull from. And, even if it’s a relatively small number, the metrics are still important to understand before creating a brand new strategy. 

  1. First, head to your Google Analytics account
  2. On the left hand-side menu, click on the ‘Acquisition’ link
  3. Once there, you can see an overview of your traffic as a whole or get more in-depth with channels and sources

Now comes the fun part, where is your current traffic coming from? And more importantly, what can you do to take your traffic generation to the next level?

If your business website receives a decent amount of traffic from social media, perhaps it’s time to focus on blogging and content creation to generate organic traffic from the SERP. If organic is good to go but you’re still not seeing the results you want with qualified leads, maybe think about paid traffic generation. 

Every business is different so there’s no one-size-fits-all here. When it comes to traffic generation, analyzing, testing, and adjusting are key.

Step-Up Your On-Page SEO

To start, you need to make sure your “home” is in order. And by home of course we mean your digital business hub — your website. The simplest way to do this is to optimize on-page SEO. 

On-page SEO is all about tweaking the pages on your website to increase your rankings in search engines. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Choose a focus keyword for each individual page
  • Use short but relevant URLs, yes, even for menu pages
  • Add chosen keyword in title tags
  • Write capture-worthy meta descriptions to entice potential visitors to click-through

And while it’s important to optimize blogs and landing pages for traffic generation, the reality is, all pages on your business website should be optimized with on-page SEO.

IMPORTANT: One thing to note is that as traffic grows, it’s essential to optimize pages for conversions as well. To take a closer look at creating a page designed to capture client leads, take a look at our blog,
The Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page.

Lean Into Local Search for Traffic Generation

Another SEO tactic that can be used to increase targeted traffic is implementing Local. 

Local SEO is one of the most valuable strategies a company can use. According to Google, nearly 80% ​​of people who search on their smartphones for something nearby visit a business within a day. And of those searches, 28% of them result in a purchase.

To get (and stay) in Google’s 3-pack, it’s crucial to:

  1. Claim your business listing
  2. Optimize your profile
  3. Get reviews from satisfied clients
  4. And update often

Be sure you’re responding frequently to reviews and updating your listing with attributes, photos, and any other information that might be useful to searchers.

Create Targeted Content for More Visitors

Using content as a traffic generation strategy is also essential — mostly because it does double duty. Smart content can raise interest and amp up your professional authority. The secret to success here is to craft content that is unique, keyword-rich, and most importantly, relevant to the audience you want to target. 

Begin with Keyword Research. Don’t just use a generic keyword planner, get creative here! Search on social media, industry-specific forums, and even e-commerce sites to see what others in your space are offering to their clients and customers. 

Provide Value for Visitors. According to experts, content should educate, entertain, engage, and enrich the lives of potential clients. But you get to decide how best to provide that value. Blogging is a great way to start but infographics, ebooks, or even video are also essential content options to try. 

Don’t Skip CTAs. If you want any website visitors to take a specific action while viewing your content, TELL THEM! Add clear, concise CTAs wherever possible to ensure the traffic you’ve worked so hard to generate is actually converting.

Strengthen Social Media

Traffic generation isn’t a passive strategy. Once your website has been optimized and the content is flowing, it’s important to find outlets to promote it. The best place to do that is on social media. 

There are two things you should do before creating a social strategy to generate traffic:

  1. Know where your client base spends their time online
  2. Understand what makes sense for both your industry and your brand voice

LinkedIn is a good choice for B2B businesses or those with a more serious tone for their brand. If your company wants to appear more casual, Facebook is a safe bet, along with Instagram, if you have a lot of visual content. 

It’s really up to your own discretion, but knowing the answer to the above will make it easier to decide where to invest your time.

Invest in a Paid Search Campaign

Generating organic traffic is important but a paid search strategy can also yield great results. Rather than going at it alone and potentially wasting time, energy, and money, it’s vital to partner with a strategist who can ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

At Smart Girl Digital, we pride ourselves in being able to help you and your business show up in local searches and gain the targeted traffic your website desires. To learn more about how we can help boost your brand with local SEO, contact us today!

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Categories: Business

1 Comment

Robin Visser · 07/28/2021 at 9:27 am

Great stuff. I agree 100%. I’ve used the Field of Dreams analogy multiple times in my career. 🙂

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